Understanding How to Design Christmas Lights

Understanding How to Design Christmas Lights

Understanding how to design your Christmas lights can be intimidating, but at New Age Lights, we make it simple! Here’s a guide to each section of your home for a beautiful holiday light installation:

Red Lines – Gutter Lines These are your gutter lines and should be the first area you address. We use C9 bulbs and attach them with a variety of clips. This section is the heart of your holiday lighting design, providing the most visual impact for your investment.

Yellow Lines – Ridge Lines Ridge lines outline your roof. We use C9 bulbs attached with ridge clips so they face upwards. Adding lights to the ridge lines creates depth and makes your display stand out.

Blue Lines – Window and Garage Outlining Window and garage outlining involves placing C9 bulbs directly on your home, facing outwards. This method is great for showcasing the front of your home, especially if you have many windows or a large garage.

Pink Lines – Walkway, Garden Bed, and Driveway Outlining For outlining walkways, garden beds, and driveways, we use C9 bulbs placed at ground level with stakes. This adds depth to your display and highlights your landscaping and pathways.

Tree and Bush Wrapping Wrapping trees and bushes displays your favorite landscaping and adds both vertical and horizontal depth to your Christmas lights. We use 40mm string lights, allowing you to choose the style and density of your lighting.

As you can see, understanding how to Design Christmas Lights can be easier when looking at each individual piece of the home. We offer free quotes and can help you determine the best options for your home while respecting your budget.


New Age Lights Service Areas We serve Chattanooga, Huntsville, Birmingham, Cincinnati, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free quote!

Call our team today to start on your Christmas lighting vision.