How to Safely Install Christmas Lights

How to Safely Install Christmas Lights

With the holiday season approaching, many of us begin to think about how we are going to decorate this year. When deciding to do a Christmas light installation on your home, one of the things you should consider is whether you can safely access the sections of your roof you want to install on. These tips and considerations on how to safely install Christmas lights are great whether you are looking for a DIY Christmas light safety guide or if you want to make sure you hire the right company for professional holiday light installation.


When selecting a ladder to install your holiday lights, make sure that it is tall enough to reach all areas you need to install on and is rated to support your weight. The ground where you place the ladder may also be uneven, so you may need to purchase a ladder leveler to ensure you are flush with the ground.

Anti-Slip Gear

The three main pieces of gear to consider are shoes, shorts, and gloves. Cougar Paws are a great shoe option for making sure you have maximum traction with your feet. Steep Gear makes anti-slip shorts and gloves that help you stay in place. We prefer the fingerless gloves as they give you more dexterity when installing Christmas lights.

On-Roof Support

While you are navigating your way around the roof, there are a few items you can use to help stabilize and climb, depending on the pitch of the roof. The Goat Step Assist helps you climb up and down steep sloped roofs. Pitch Hoppers are a must-have item when doing Christmas light installation and provide a stable work location.

Buddy System

Even as a professional holiday light installation company, we NEVER go alone. Always have a buddy with you who can help stabilize ladders, watch for potential hazards, and assist in case of an emergency.

Trust Christmas Light Safety to the Professionals

Stay Within Your Comfort Zone

There is always a risk when climbing a ladder or stepping onto a roof. Although the steps above will help minimize these risks, there is always a chance of injury. Each roof poses different challenges and obstacles and may require a combination of safety methods. When deciding how to install Christmas lights safely, If you are not comfortable reaching certain heights or areas of your roof, it is better to not install holiday lights in those areas or call professionals for assistance.

At New Age Lights, Christmas light installation is our specialty, and we do not jeopardize safety. We ensure we stay up to date with all of the highest industry standards and equipment to safely come on and off your roof. Whether you choose DIY holiday light installation or professionally installed Christmas lights this season, we wish everybody a SAFE and Merry Christmas!

New Age Lights Service Areas We serve Chattanooga, Huntsville, Birmingham, Cincinnati, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free quote!

Call our team today to start on your Christmas lighting vision.